

I am 51 years old. I have lived a good while now and on the surface I am a full-fledged adult: two grown kids, 17 years with my husband, own a house. I know how to do my taxes, budget the household expenses, cook, clean, and make a bed with hospital corners. I have traveled,… Continue reading adulting


snow days = nail fun

The west coast has had a freakish amount of winter weather over the last month. Our property is up a long steep driveway which prevents me from getting out to do my regular work. So I have been using this time to practice some new skills. My nails have only been long and strong once… Continue reading snow days = nail fun


giving thanks

I have recently spent a lot of time on Instagram. I have posted my drawings, my nail art, and other random pics. Receiving "likes" was not my goal. I just like sharing. But something happened. I received a few likes from people from all over the world. That got me thinking! What if we all… Continue reading giving thanks


artsy phartsy

Holding a pen, poised over a clean canvas. The possibilities! I am not an Artist; I like to draw. I especially like to use ink for my creations. I bought new pens and markers to make holiday cards, and having them near spurred me into letting my imagination take over. These are my pens (I… Continue reading artsy phartsy